To support our eastern neighbours, we currently offer free training for Ukrainian immigrants. The courses are available in English or Polish.

Бажаючи підтримати наших східних сусідів, ми зараз пропонуємо безкоштовне навчання для іммігрантів з України. Навчання доступне англійською або польською мовами.


Several years of experience, during which we got to know the way both small and big transport and forwarding companies operate, allowed us to optimize the way a future forwarder works. This is the only course on the market that includes a comprehensive preparatory path, starting with the technical issues in transport and forwarding, through tips on how to avoid or solve the problems encountered, and ending with the psychological aspect in this field.


We also offer "tailor made" courses which are dedicated to companies - tailored to the profile and structure of the company, individual or group, and its main goal is to increase the competence of employees. To meet the needs of business, we offer comprehensive advice and assistance to companies in the field of road transport/ forwarding. Due to market fluctuations, you can quickly lose as well as gain significant profits. Thanks to us you will learn how to run a safe and profitable business, avoiding the traps lurking for transport companies, regardless of their length of service. You will get to know many earning strategies, types of internal structures used by companies, forms of motivation for employees, requirements set by the international market and the type of fleet in which it is worth investing.


Soon you will be able to access our transport company process management platform, which will make your work a pleasure. The above solution will allow for full control of freight, automate the transport process, improve data exchange between the driver - forwarder - customer and gather transport documentation in one place.

If you want to earn a decent and stress-free income in the road transport market, do not wait and take advantage of our offer.

Contact us


0048 696 536 502

Telephone contact is possible from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.



info[ at ]fleekteam.com